Friday, February 26, 2010


Mary Byrne Rowe is living in beautiful Gotham, WI after spending 35 years in Southern California........don't say a thing. She still works as a designer - her motto is "If it doesn't move - decorate it" Three darlings: Carolyn 29, Meghan 24 and Matthew 21.

Exactly what has she been up to ? "Traveled around in the early 70's - including two extended stays in CA. Finally finished UW in '74 and moved to So CA in the Spring of '75. Married Peter Rowe - settled down and spent the eighties having babies, being the PTO mom, soccer mom, T-Ball mom with a mini van ...... and through it all - a self-employed interior designer. Turned fifty, got a divorce and moved to the beach. Laguna Beach is a fabulous place - and I loved every minute of my time there, but reality set in and the rent came due and I decided it was time to get back to some sort of normalcy. With all kids graduated high school and happy (as they could be) I moved back to Wisconsin in 2007. Of course "normalcy" is relative: I bought an old country church circa 1840 outside of Spring Green and am renovating it and turning into my home.
Life is good. "

Favorite memories? "I have wonderful memories of Edgewood ...... sure I was insecure and self-conscious - but isn't that what high school is all about? A few favorite memories in no particular order: The U-Haul !! ....... going to McDonalds after the final episode of The Fugitive - it was raining and Gary Lloyd ran in front of our car with his arm tucked up his sleeve- just like the opening scene of the show ! .... Senior retreat and dancing like Zorba ... T.P.'ing Shimanski's house - if you have a front lawn w/ that many trees, be prepared. Dan L. singing "The House of the Rising Sun" Going to Lombardino's and then Hoyt Park w/ the girls who were dressed like nuns (after they broke into the nuns laundry) - I Phelta Thi - Cactus Bluff - pep rallies and games- getting out of detention to go get Coke for Sister Alphonsine at Fauerbachs ........... this was all great, good , clean fun !"

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